Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Renata Teixeira, “Methodology for research in networking”, 10h eqTD, M2, UPMC, France.

  • Master: Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira, “Network Metrology”, 24h CM, M2, UPMC, France. Created this new master's level class.

  • E-learning

    • Mooc: Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira, “Network Metrology”, preparation of a five-week Mooc to start in May 2016 in the platform FUN, supported by Inria.


  • PhD: Nelly Vouzoukidou (October 2011-September 2015): “Continuous top-k Queries over Real-time Web Streams” University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC). Advisors: B. Amann and V. Christophides

  • PhD in progress:

    • Sara el Aouad, “Improving the quality of recommendation using semi-structured user feedback”, May 2014, advisors: C. Diot and R. Teixeira

    • Diego da Hora, “Crowdsourced Home Network Diagnosis”, February 2014, advisors: C. Diot and R. Teixeira

    • Giuseppe Scavo, “Exploiting Network Content-awareness to provide novel added value services”, November 2013 advisors: Z. Ben-Houidi and R. Teixeira

    • Sofia Kleisarchaki (October 2013-now): “Temporal Analytics of the Social Web” cotutelle between University of Crete & University of Joseph Fourier - Grenoble. Advisors: S. Amer-Yahia and V. Christophides)

    • Vassilis Efthimiou (February 2013-now): “Entity resolution in the Web of Data” University of Crete. Advisor: V. Christophides


  • V. Christophides: member of the supervision committee of the Ph.D. Thesis of Charalampos Nikolaou, Univ. of Athens, 2015